testosterone boosting smoothie

the Testo Shake

This testosterone smoothie can help support healthy testosterone levels as part of an energy boosting pro-metabolic diet and lifestyle. Women can also use this smoothie as it supports a healthy metabolism as well as hormonal health in general. This testosterone boosting smoothie contains highly bio-available nutrients such as the fat-soluble vitamins, A, D, E, and K, pro-metabolic minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium, easy-to-digest carbohydrates, and high-quality protein.

Credit to Hans Amato over at Testonation, for the original idea, although I have adapted it slightly. Here is the smoothie recipe for boosting testosterone.


  • 3 Egg Yolks (raw)
  • Goat Milk (semi-skimmed) 300 ml
  • 0% Fat Skyr/Greek Yogurt 100g (no gums, artificial sweeteners, or anything else)
  • Honey 30g
  • Collagen Protein Powder 15g
  • 1 x medium Banana 125g
  • Mixed Frozen Berries 200g
  • Taurine 3g
  • Creatine Monohydrate 5g
  • 100% Cocoa Powder (optional)

Simply throw all the ingredients in a blender, and blend well. You can use this as a complete meal replacement as well as a post-workout shake.

Macronutrient Breakdown

If you are counting your macros, the macronutrient breakdown for this testosterone boosting smoothie is:

  • Protein 42g
  • Carbohydrates 85g
  • Fat 19g

As you can see the carbohydrate grams are double the protein grams which is beneficial for testosterone, and we also have a decent amount of saturated and mono-unsaturated fat which is positively correlated with healthy testosterone levels and hormonal health. The protein sources contain a nice mix of the amino acids leucine from the dairy (important for muscle growth) and the pro-metabolic, anti-stress amino acids, glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline from the collagen.

Adjusting Macronutrients

You can easily adjust the macronutrient for this testosterone smoothie by adjusting the amount of ingredients you use, to fit with your current macronutrient targets. Carbohydrates can be adjusted by using more or less honey as well as the size of the banana. Fat can be adjusted by using fewer egg yolks, or more if needed, or by using full-fat milk. Protein can be adjusted by using more or less yogurt as well as collagen powder. You can also use whey/casein protein powder instead of yogurt.

Ingredient Quality

To maximize the effectiveness of the Testo shake, I would recommend using the highest quality ingredients you can use or have access to. High-quality pasture-raised egg yolks are a must, as we do not want to consume egg yolks from commercially raised chickens fed on foods that contain high amounts of polyunsaturated fats. A good quality egg should have a dark yellow or even orange yolk. Try to source locally if possible.

Commercially bought milk is fine to use, although I would always choose organic if possible. I use goat milk as it is A2 milk, which is generally easier to digest compared to cow’s milk. If you can get hold of raw unhomogenized milk this would be the best option, however, this is not possible for most people. In the UK some supermarkets sell unhomogenized milk, although it is still pasteurised. If you prefer cow’s milk, Guernsey and Jersey milk usually have a greater proportion of A2 protein compared to A1, which can be beneficial for some people.

If you can get hold of some local raw honey this would be a great option. Choose the highest quality collagen protein you can afford, grass-fed and organic is best, although this can be fairly expensive. For a cheaper option, you could use the amino acid glycine, instead of collagen powder. Glycine is one of the pro-metabolic and anti-stress amino acids found in collagen. I recommend using organic fruit.

natural testosterone optimization

To increase testosterone levels and maintain healthy testosterone production requires a complete lifestyle approach. Applying the fundamentals and mastering the basics is the most important thing, as well as being consistent over time. Using the Testo shake in isolation without addressing important lifestyle factors will not support healthy testosterone levels to any large degree.

The fundamentals of natural testosterone optimization include:

  • Eating a nutrient-dense whole foods-based diet which includes all three macronutrients.
  • Fixing nutritional deficiencies.
  • Avoiding low-calorie diets.
  • Improving gut health.
  • Performing strength training to build muscle mass.
  • Managing stress.
  • Getting enough good quality sleep.
  • Maintaining a healthy body fat percentage.
  • Getting adequate sunlight.
  • Walking more (10,000 steps per day).
  • Increasing dopamine levels.

If you would like to know more about the health benefits of natural testosterone optimization and would like guidance on what to focus on most, as well as how to apply testosterone boosting lifestyle principles, you can check out our free testo guide.

Learn how to optimize your testosterone levels naturally using training, nutrition, and lifestyle.

Experiment with your own Testo Shake

The Testo Shake is a healthy testosterone boosting smoothie that can help support natural testosterone optimization. For the best results, it should be used to complement a healthy diet and lifestyle optimized for healthy testosterone levels as well as hormonal health in general. You can also experiment with your own testosterone smoothie by adding to the base ingredients. Give it a try today!