how many sets per muscle group per week To Build Muscle?

Quick Answer

Research suggests that performing around 10-20 sets per muscle group per week is an effective volume range for building muscle for most individuals. Sets should be performed at a high enough intensity, 1-3 reps from muscular failure to be stimulative for muscle growth.

Our own real-world experience as well as other coaches and experienced lifters also confirms this to be an effective volume range for most people, although individual differences as well as levels of advancement should be taken into consideration.

what is volume?

a simple way to quantify training volume

why is it important to quantify volume

what does the current research point to?

The current research suggests that 10-20 sets per week per muscle group is effective for building muscle. This range is widely accepted as being effective for most people and comes from a team of researchers led by Brad Schoenfeld, who in 2017 performed a meta-analysis investigating the relationship between muscle growth and the number of sets performed per muscle group per week.

Another meta-analysis was carried out in 2022 comparing low, medium, and high volumes and concluded that a range of 12-20 weekly sets per muscle group may be an “optimum standard recommendation for increasing muscle hypertrophy in young, trained men”.

not all volume is created equal

One important point to understand is that one set for a particular exercise will not always be comparable to a set for another exercise for the same muscle group. For example, a heavy set of squats will be far more stressful on the quadriceps and also systemically compared to a set of leg extensions. One is a compound lift which allows for considerable amounts of weight to be lifted whilst the other one is an isolation move.

Machine work also needs to be taken into consideration. Using the same example as above a set of hack squats will have a lesser effect compared to the free weight squat even though it is still a compound exercise and large amounts of weights can be moved. This is due to the increased complexity of free weight lifts and the increased demand on the nervous system to coordinate movement patterns as well as simply having a large amount of weight on your back in the case of the squat.

volume’s relationship to intensity and frequency

how many sets per muscle group per week to build muscle?

volume and intensity

When counting the number of sets performed for a muscle group over the week we should only include our work sets. These are the hard sets performed with a high enough intensity and effort to stimulate muscle growth. We do not count our warm-up sets. To learn more about this check out our article on intensity.

With this understanding, we can see how the volume we can perform and recover from will depend on the intensity of our sets. When performing the majority of our sets close to muscular failure we may be able to progress on lower weekly volumes for each muscle group. If we are performing more of our sets further away from muscular failure we will likely need more volume to progress.

In reality, some exercises are better suited for working at different intensities over others, and we will likely be performing a range of intensities working at different reps in reserve (RIR) throughout the week. This is why it may be a good idea to standardize the intensity of the different exercises we perform allowing us to establish the number of sets we can progress and recover from over the week.

Volume and frequency

practical applications

how many sets per muscle group per week to build muscle?

use volume recommendations as a guide

perform the minimal amount of volume you can make progress with

If you have been lifting for some time and are not seeing the results you are looking for we recommend you do a volume reset. Count your weekly work sets for each muscle group and see where they are. Then ask yourself, are these high quality sets? Often people need to work harder and reach a closer proximity to muscular failure to make progress.

distribute your volume evenly throughout the week

An example training setup that would work well for this is the classic 4-day upper body lower body split. The upper body and lower body muscles are trained with a twice per week frequency, each receiving 2 dedicated training sessions. If you would like to learn more about how to set up a simple training split with the correct volume, intensity, and frequency you can check out our free fit guide.

experiment with different volumes for different muscle groups

volume may need to be lower in a fat loss phase

In a fat loss phase, you will have less energy and reduced recovery capabilities due to being in a calorie deficit. In this situation, it can be a good idea to reduce the amount of sets you perform for each muscle group over the week. This way the sets you perform remain high quality which is vital for maintaining muscle in a fat loss phase. This will also reduce the overall weekly training stress on the body.
