Learn how to set up your initial macronutrient targets for fat loss, track your food and weight, and adjust over time.

Fat loss does not have to be complicated

Fat loss is a relatively simple process, although this does not necessarily mean it is easy. However, when we set up our fat-loss diet correctly, in alignment with our current lifestyle the likelihood of us achieving our fat-loss goals is far higher. Applying the fundamentals and being consistent over time is what matters most!

  • Learn how to estimate your starting calories and work out your initial macronutrient targets.
  • Learn about meal frequency and how best to distribute your food throughout the day, based on your lifestyle.
  • Learn about flexible dieting and why it is something we recommend.
  • Learn how to track your progress and adjust your macronutrients when fat loss slows down or stops.
  • Learn how to use diet breaks and refeed days.
  • Learn how to use daily activity to make your fat loss phase easier.