our passion is health and fitness, our mission is to help people build sustainable fitness lifestyles

Modern Fit Mastery is proud to be part of the emerging community of evidence-based authentic and trustworthy sources of online fitness information.

who are we?

Many people struggle to achieve their health and fitness goals. Modern Fit Mastery teaches simple fitness and nutrition principles that work, allowing people to move forward in their fitness journey and achieve their goals.

Here at Modern Fit Mastery, we believe in taking responsibility for our health and fitness. We do not think you should hand over this responsibility to any health and fitness authority, fitness influencer, or guru. This includes us!

We believe in education, applying the principles we have learned, and testing things out in the real world. This is the path to fitness mastery.

We understand how frustrating it can be when we are bombarded with conflicting information in the mainstream and from alternative sources such as health and fitness influencers on social media. We know people want simple actionable information they can start applying today.

We can help you simplify your health and fitness journey, and understand the principles that need to be in place to achieve your health and fitness goals. We can point you in the right direction, however, we can not tell you what is best for you. Only you can find this out. Personal experience and taking action is key!

Mastering any area of our lives takes time and discipline. Building habits, creating a system, and testing and adjusting over time. Fitness mastery involves simplifying your fitness journey, not overcomplicating it. You must also gain mastery over your mental world, to achieve truly outstanding results in health and fitness, or any other area of life.

The 20 percent of the things we do consistently, will result in 80 percent of the results we are likely to achieve. Focus on the basics and master them over time!

We believe in health before fitness. Fitness should be one part of a healthy lifestyle, it should not be the only part. Being ‘fit’ does not mean you are necessarily healthy.

Following extreme approaches to fitness and nutrition may result in you looking good, but will ultimately lead to burnout and health issues in the future.

The good news is that we can be healthy and also achieve our fitness and body composition goals, without destroying our metabolism with overly restrictive diets and excessive amounts of exercise.

health and fitness information you can trust!

Modern Fit Mastery is a team of fitness professionals who write about all things health and fitness-related. We are passionate about health and fitness and helping others achieve their goals. We aim to deliver:

  • Evidence-based fitness information that is backed by science.
  • Effective methods and principles that work and are tested in the real world.
  • Free guides and articles to get you started on your health and fitness journey.
  • Nutritional advice and diet reviews.
  • Healthy lifestyle strategies to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.
  • Mindset, behavioral change, and habit-building advice.

Hello, My name is Luke, I’m the founder of Modern Fit Mastery.

Like so many of us on this health and fitness journey I’ve experimented with many different training systems and tried various ‘diets’. Mistakes have been made along the way and lessons have been learnt.

Now I’m old enough, I see many trends within the health and fitness industry come around again. They come in cycles, repackaged, and marketed again as the new best thing that will finally solve all your problems.

With experience, we come to understand that principles are what matter, and learning and applying fundamental training and nutrition principles is the most important thing. We do not need to be locked into one training method or nutritional philosophy. The truth usually lies somewhere in the middle. One person’s truth can be different from another person’s, based on personal experience and individual differences.

My vision for this site is to deliver high quality actionable health and fitness information. We always aim to give an objective perspective to any topic, as well as our personal views and experiences. We may advise and give recommendations and state potential benefits or drawbacks. Ultimately it is down to the individual to make their own informed decisions and test things out in the real world. Personal experience is the ultimate teacher.

We hope you enjoy your health and fitness journey!

We are all about community, we would love to hear your feedback, and how we have helped you in your fitness Journey, as well as any suggestions you may have.