free coaching

help beta-test our low-touch coaching

We are looking for people to beta-test our low-touch online coaching, delivered through our very own training app. If you are interested, sign up below and you will be notified when our app goes live!

Low touch-coaching delivers professional guidance and coaching to clients with a slightly less hands-on and personalized approach, compared to full online coaching, where you would work more closely with a coach.

Low-touch coaching delivers professional guidance at a fraction of the cost of full online coaching, usually through a monthly subscription, which can be canceled at any time. Clients can receive many of the benefits of online coaching without a large financial commitment.

Our coaching will be delivered through our very own training app.

  • Access to multiple programs. Upper lower, push pull legs, etc. Added to and updated regularly.
  • In-app nutrition tracking with 1.5m verified foods, 800k barcodes, and over 2,400 restaurant food items. No more My Fitness Pal!
  • We will set your initial macronutrient targets based on your goal.
  • Meal plans. Plug your chosen meals straight into the app, then simply adjust the amounts to hit your macronutrient targets.
  • Access to the vault, where you will find educational material on subjects such as tracking and making adjustments based on your goals. Added to and updated regularly.
  • Daily habits and weekly check-ins.
  • In-app instant messaging with a coach.

We are offering free coaching to establish whether we can achieve the same or similar results for our clients with low-touch coaching, compared to full online personalized coaching. This will allow us to help more people achieve their health and fitness goals. All we ask for is your feedback so that we can refine our service before launching.

We are planning to beta-test our low-touch coaching for 8 weeks. This means each client will receive 8 weeks of free coaching!

Low-touch coaching is designed for beginners and early intermediates. Individuals just starting on their health and fitness journey who want to do things the right way, and those who may have been using the gym for some time, and are not seeing the results they want will benefit most from low-touch coaching.

If you know how to set up an effective strength training program, have built some muscle, are progressing well, and have run a successful fat loss phase getting to 12% body fat or lower, then you probably do not need low-touch coaching.

Yes, you will need access to a gym or a well-equipped home gym.

Sign Up To Receive Notification For Free Coaching

If you would like more information, drop us an email and we will get back to you as soon as we can.